Wednesday, August 12, 2009


IMA (Telugu) 1st semester - Each 04 c

Classical Poetry and Prosody 01

Unit I

1.Andhramahabharatam of Nannaya – UdankopAkhyanam from Adiparvam

2.Andhramahabharatam of Tikkana – Keechakavatha from Virataparvam

3.Andhramahabharatam of Errana – Satyadrowpadeesamvadam from Aranyaparvam

Unit II

1..Chandodarpanam of Anantamatya – vrittalu ,Jatulu Upajatulu

IMA (Telugu) 2nd semester - Each 04 c

1.Classical Grammar 01

1.Sangna and Sandhi chapters of Bala& Prowdha vyakaranas

2.Evolution of Telugu Literature 01

  1. Sahitya charitra parichayam
  2. Pre Nanayya Age
  3. Nannaya Age
  4. Andhramahabharatam – A review
  5. Other Poets if Nannaya Age
  6. Sivakaviyugam
  7. Tikkanayugam and his works-other poets of his Age
  8. Erranayugam and his works- other poets of his Age

IMA (Telugu) 3rd semester - Each 04 c

1. Classical Poetry and Prosody 02

Unit I

1. Basavapurana of Palkuriki somana - Soriyalukatha

2. Kasikhandam of Srinatha – Gunanithikatha

3. Andhramahabhagavatamof Potana - Narakasuravatha

Unit II

1. Appakaviyam of appakavi – Yatiprasaprakaranam

2.Evolution of Telugu Literature 02

  1. Srinathayugam and his works
  2. Potana and his works-othe poets of srinathayuga
  3. Prabandhayugam-LakshanAlu-Ashtadiggajakavulu and their works
  4. Dakshinandhrayuga vaisishtyam-Nayakarajulasahityaseva
  5. vividha Samsthanalu - Sahityaposhana

IMA (Telugu) 4th semester - Each 04 c

1.Classical Grammar 02

  1. Tatsama and Acchika chapters of Balavyakaranam of Paravastu Chinnayasuri
  2. Sabda Paricchedam of Prowdhavyakaranam

2.Evolution of Telugu Literature 03

  1. Historical and Socio – Political setting of Modern Telugu Literature – Evolution of Modern thought as reflected in Telugu Literature – The influence of Western Literature and native characteristics
  2. State of Telugu Literature between 1800 -1850 A.D. Revival f classical Literature – Publication of critical editions of classical works – prose works during the period and use modern language as medium of prose
  3. the concept of modernity – concept of Renaissance with reference to telugu people – Renaissance literature – Introduction of various literary genres like Novel, short story, Drama, One act play, Essay, Biography, autobiography and Literary Criticism – a study of special features of each genre structural and formal
  4. Major literary movements and trends in Telugu – reformation, rationalism, romanticism, National Movement, Progressive and revolutionary movements.
  5. Influence of various social and political ideologies philosophies, trends, techniques on Telugu Literature in general e.g. Liberal democratic ideals Marxism, existentialism etc,.
  6. Evolution of modern poetry in form and content – classical meter matra chandas and free verse – romantic poetry, poetry of National Movement and other socio-political movements – Digambara poets – continuation of classical trends.
  7. Evolution of modern prose forms in form and content – Novel, short story, Drama, One act play etc,.

IMA (Telugu) 5th semester - Each 04 c

1.Classical Grammar 03

Karaka, Samasa kriya Taddita Kridanta and Prakeernaka chapters of Balavyakaranam Paravastu Chinnaya Suri

2.Telugu Poetics (01)

Kavya, Nayaka, Rasa chapters from

kavyalankara sangraham of Bhattumurthy

IMA (Telugu) 6th semester - Each 04 c

1.Telugu Poetics (02)

Guna Vritti reeti and Alankar chapters from

kavyalankara sangraham of Bhattumurthy

2. Classical Poetry (01)

Selections from Prabhandas:

Manucharitra – 1st Aswasa from Katharamba

Parijatapaharanam – Dwiteeyaswasa

Panduranga Mahatmyam – Nigamsarmopakhyanam

Vasucharitra – 3rd Canto

Amuktamaylada – Vilipatturuvarana

Kalapoornodayam – Sugatri -Saleenula Katha


Dr.R.P.Sharma said...

Classical Poetry and Prosody 01

Unit I

1.ఉదంకోపాఖ్యానం -ఇంద్రగంటి హనుమచ్చాస్త్రిగారి వ్యాఖ్యానంతో --


3.సత్యా ద్రౌపదీ సంవాదం (అరణ్యపర్వం)

Unit II

1.ఛందోదర్పణము- అనంతామాత్య

పైన పేర్కొన్న పుస్తకాలు తెలుగు పరిశోధన లో ఉచితంగా చదువుకోవడానికి లేదా దిగుమతికి లభిస్తాయి.
విద్యార్థులకు ఈ సమాచారం ఉపకరిస్తుందని తెలుపడమైనది.

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!